GlitznGrits + Bekah's Resolve= 12 Days of Christmas linkup |

Nov 25, 2013

GlitznGrits + Bekah's Resolve= 12 Days of Christmas linkup

Sometimes I doodle on paper despite the fact that I can't draw in the least bit. Don't mistake being artistic and creative for being a drawer. Other times I'm to lazy to fix the coloring and just post the unedited scanned image. HA!

Hey girl hey! Is that annoying yet? Well, to bad. Christmas is right around the corner and what better way to celebrate than with a link-up. Pss! Don't act like y'all don't like link-ups. Ya know the song, ' 12 Days of Christmas?!?1' Well, this link-up was inspired by that song. Teaming up with my favoritest blogger eva... eva I tell ya. We bring you the 12 Days of Christmas Link-Up. It's a good thing Bekah loves Christmas as much as I do. We give you #12DC

Here's what you do:

1. There will be a link-up option at the bottom of each post Bekah and I post throughout the twelve days.
2. Grab that lovely button we slaved over and spread the love would ya.
3. We give ya the prompts:

Monday, December 9: Tell us all about it. We wanna know what Christmas means to you.
Tuesday December 10:  It's OK! It's the most wonderful time of the year and you're allowed to cheat. What's your favorite holiday dessert.
Wednesday, December 11: Photo-dump. We wanna see those indoor holiday decorations. We know some of y'all's houses could rival any Southern Living or Coastal Living Magazine any day of the week.
Thursday, December 12: If you ain't drunk off Holiday music then there must be somethin' wrong. What's your favorite holiday song. You must have a go to tune. Hey that rhymes. 
Friday, December 13: Open a new blog post. Close your eyes. Pretend you still talk to Santa. Open your eyes. Start writing. What would you say? What would you tell him? What would you ask for?
Saturday, December 14: Dust off that Bible. We'll wait and pretend you din't have to look for it first. What's your favorite biblical account of the Christmas Story and why since it's in different books of the Bible.
Monday, December 16:  Do you live in a homeowners association? Is their a random neighbor that insist on having the best lights in town? Or maybe you have the best lights in town. Well, here's your chance to show them off.
Tuesday, December17:  Dressin', Ham, Mac & Cheese? What a must at your holiday feast. Maybe we wanna try something new.
Wednesday, December18: We wanna hear all about your holiday traditions. Is there a special place you go? Is there a special thing you do?
Thursday, December 19: I'll take nothin' but a memory. Quick, who sang that? Anyway, we wanna hear all about your favorite Christmas/Holiday memory. Ready. Set. Go.
Friday, December 20: Quick, we need new drink ideas. Send your favorite holiday drink this way.
Saturday, December 21: Only photos. We wanna see what the holiday spirit looks like from your part of the world. 

See y'all Monday, December 9th, for #12DC

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  1. Aleshea, I love how creative you and Bekah were with this- I love the variety and meaningfulness! Thanks for coming up with something so fun and unusual- I will put it on my calendar!

    Love, Joy

  2. Love your doodles. You're far more skilled than I am :) I'll be back to link up for sure :D

  3. This is so much fun! Thanks for sharing!


I respond to comments via email unless your email is unlisted. Then I'll respond via the blog. Thank y'all. Remember to always take the sweet tea!