Ohh, y'all just barely Southern | GlitznGrits.com

May 26, 2014

Ohh, y'all just barely Southern


Y'all remember a few weeks back when I mentioned that in The South, Spring is Weddin' Season? It's ok if ya don't. That's why I have pretty pink links. This past weekend was another event to add to my weddin' season. Many have come and gone but over the years there/s been a small group of girls I've semi-stayed in contact with. We met in Kindergarten almost 22 years ago. We were in Girl Scouts together and our moms have kept a tight knit friendship. They have affectionately named themselves the Shouldabeen Sisters. This past Memorial Weekend one of the Girls had her bridal Shower. She is the first in the group to get married if you don't count older sibs.

 I love Memorial Day/Weekend and am a supporter of rememberin' the real reason for the season, but yall... I get so excited that I can officially wear white again. Recently I had someone ask me where the 'no white after Labor Day rule comes from'. I was always taught that white was cooler and in The South where it is always hotter it was a way to stay cool in the Summer. White was also lighter back in the Antebellum South. As the years progressed, think 1930's, white became a sign of High Society. Many wore darker colors to work. Even in the summer. But if you were seen in white it usually meant you have money and the time and leisure in the summer to do as you pleased. I mentioned before that the ONE time I wore white after labor day I messed my pants so bad. I've never defied the fashion god's sense.

Somehow half way through the chatter, the topic turned to Junior League. If y'all didn't know, cause I've only mentioned it in passin', I joined the Junior League. Our first official meetin' was last weekend and I paid my dues. So for the next year I'll be what they call a Provisional. Hopefully this time next year you'll see a post where I'm talkin' all about how I made it through the year and am an official member. The Dallas JL has much claim to fame. It is the largest and one of the most prestigious. The Matron of Honor is joinin' the Fort Worth Junior League so it was nice to compare notes and discuss with someone who is just as excited and overwhelmed. It was also quite funny cause the venue that the bride is havin' her reception in, just happens to be the same place Bestfran Numerous Duo works. She's actually the point of contact for them.

I hope y'all had a lovely Labor Day weekend?!?! I wanna hear all about it. Spill. What did ya do. Where did ya go? What's your favorite things about Weddin' Season.


  1. I love the banner and the food looks delicious. Looks like you had a great time!

  2. Shouldabeen Sisters ... that is sooo cute. My friends and I have our own term for that. We would often refer to it as "sisters from different mothers". All the decors you used are pretty.

    1. Cute. And yes the hostesses did such a great job with the decorations and the food

  3. I love your outfit! It's too cute. The JL is such a great organization - I was joining the Pasadena (CA) one right before I moved to Italy. If I ever go back to the states I'm def going to join a local chapter!

    1. Ohh, how is Italy. I've never been but it's on my list. I've only been to the United Kindgom

  4. That's so cool that you remain friends with girls that you've known since Kindergarten! I, too, have friends from way back when. And your mom's group sounds like so much fun!

    Here in the Southeast, our "wearing white" season begins at Easter and ends Labor Day. And I remember the first time I wore a pair of winter white wool pants in December. I felt like I had committed a crime! :)

    And I'm loving that dress in the first pic! Looks like a great party all around!

    1. I have a friend who wears white whenever she pleases and I just smile at her. I can no be as bold as she is. Even though I try daily.

  5. Beautiful photos & such a neat party!

  6. In a house of boys, I miss me some pink!
    I can't believe that you've been friends for 22 years! That is such a blessing. I haven't kept in touch with anyone from grade school other than on facebook.
    I love that you write the way you talk :)

  7. Summer in the south can be so much fun. You are so lucky to have a close knit group of friends to spend it with. Looks like the party was a hit!

  8. Love me Southern shindigs. It looks lovely.

  9. I think you got your holidays mixed up. Labor day is in the fall, this was Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Yes, But when Memorial Day hits you can wear white and then it is to be put away once Labor Day comes.

  10. What a pretty party! Your photos are beautiful. And I love the polka dot dress in the first pic!
    - Colleen with http://sanantoniomomblogs.com

  11. What a cute shower!! Those food pics are making me hungry!!

  12. Great shower ideas!! Looks like a good time!

  13. Cute wedding shower ideas, looks like you and your friends had a great time.

  14. It must be fun meeting old friends in the bridal shower. It must have brought a lot of memories.

  15. Very cute shower! Am loving the pink polka dot dress :)

  16. I never know the 'white rule'.. I'm not a fashionista BUT I do know that I have no confidence to wear white when it comes to pants...Hello.... unexpected visitors sometimes arrive early!

    1. Ohh, Amen. I try and stay away from white except for a few dresses I own.

  17. What a great party. I love all the decorations.

    Michelle F.

  18. You did a lot of work! What a nice party!

    1. Thank you and it was lovely. I was blessed and only had to show up

  19. Looks like you all had a fun time! By the way, I wear white after Labor Day, but I'm always nervous because I can't do right lol Cute post!

    1. HAHAHA, one of the MAIN reasons I follow the rules. Down here in the South and especially where I live, news travels fast. I don't need to be talked about more than I already am.

  20. Looks Like A Great Bridal Shower Love The Dress Lots Of Delicious Food Decorated So Nicely!!

  21. Very cool decorations, and the food looks really good.

  22. I love the decor of the party.

  23. Awesome ideas. Love the berries connecting donuts. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Looks like a lovely party. we havent done anything in a while. with my kiddo and me under the weather plus the rainyness its been home time for a while now

  25. I think my sister joined a league of sorts where she lives. As for my weekend, I watched lots of movies, took lots of naps, read a little, shopped a little, and lazed around a little. It was glorious.

  26. Awesome gathering. Love family or friends gathering, it is always a blessing to have everyone together.

    Love the food and the banner - great diy

  27. Bridal showers are so much fun! Our long weekend was spent playing with the new puppy :D

  28. Oh wow, that's a long friendship.

  29. Shouldabeen Sisters...LOVE it! I have a group of friends (5 besides me) that I've known since 2nd grade!!


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