The Rustic Dallas- "They have hominy" |

Mar 28, 2014

The Rustic Dallas- "They have hominy"


*As the song fades and my fingers type* Anyways, let's get to it y'all. #BeStillMyHeart, that would be the hashtag I would used to quantify this restaurant. I can't even begin' to tell y'all how much I love The Rustic and after one visit I know I'll be back. Unfortunately that is not the hashtag that will be used. Yes, this is another series I'm startin'. So I guess the proper hashtag would be #SouthernEats. HA! See what I did there. Yes, I like my style too.

Dallas is split into districts when you get close to downtown. I was actually surprised The Rustic Dallas was in Uptown. Uptown is what I like to call the Southern (prep) District. It is near the SMU Campus and known for its bars and restaurants. One of the boys called The Rustic, "Dallas Country," but I'd have to disagree with him.  I call this place more Southern than Country. The Rustic is famous for it's patio. It's said to have the largest patio in Texas. Many a night you can come by for some live music and great food. This was my first visit to The Rustic Dallas. I had heard about the restaurant a few months ago via the radio. Pat Green is part owner and he had a few shows when the place opened. If you don't know who Pat Green is then you are probably not a Texan or someone I would question my friendship with. In short Part Green is a Texas Country singer who helped inspire my Travelin' Texan list. Mmm, I love me some Pat Green and now I love me some Rustic. This past Monday was Shiner night at the Rustic. The founders of Shiner were there and we wanted to meet them. Unfortunately, we got there right after they left. We decided to stay anyway and I'm glad we did. 

Upon walkin' into The Rustic you will be treated to very Southern Texas décor. Y'all they probably thought I was crazy with all the pics I was snappin' in the bathroom. There was even an open stall with a saddle. My #BeStillMyHeart moment came when they gave water out in Mason Jars. Y'all know I think everythin' taste better in a Mason Jar. Everythin' else is served in these fancy glass that made me feel special. I checked out the menu while I waited for Sherry and what caught my attention the most was that everything is made in Texas. They make special note on the menu of the suppliers, and farmers who help make the restaurant what it is.

I ordered the Calf fries as well as The Rustic Burger. In Texas we call Fried Rocky Mountain Oysters Calf Fries. They came with a side of buttermilk ranch. When the waiter brought them to us, he looked at me and goes, " And how could we forget the buttermilk ranch?!?!" I smiled so bright. Here in Texas hot sauce and ranch dressin' are side dishes that everythin' must be dipped in unless it's steak or barbecue. If you dip those things it's usually considered an insult to the chef.  But speakin' of barbecue can we talk about the burger I ordered. Not only was it delish but it came topped with chopped beef. That's my kind of burger.

We opted to sit outside on the patio and I'm so glad we did. From the music, to the Chimineas, to the cornhonle bein' played by some of the guyseverythin' about this place made me feel at home.

Now it's all y'all's turn. I wanna hear about the places y'all like to frequent. Use the Hashtag #SouthernEat and let's get to showin' love to some of our favorite places.



  1. that place is all but across the street from me and i still haven't been!!

  2. This place looks so cool! 'Tequila makes you pretty!'.. ha ha... Pat Green... I have to agree... freaking awesome... we are obsessed with him and I don't understand people that are not... We actually saw him in concert once... sadly it was not the performance I had hoped .. but his cd's are still great.

    1. Ohhh no's! I wanna see him somethin' bad. It's on my Travelin' Texan list.

  3. Wow, this restuarant looks like it has some delicious food. If I am ever in Texas I know where I am going. ;)

    1. Yes ma'am. It has the best food. Come on down. We'd love to have ya. And by we I mean them. HA!

  4. Laughing at myself... I read that wall art as "Tequilla makes you potty."

  5. Okay – what day of the week did you go and what time? It doesn’t look busy at all in these pictures. When we went there was a 2.5-3 hour wait!! I want to go back so bad, just trying to decide when to go since we live a good ways from it. And yes, EVERYTHING is better in mason jars. Love the pictures you got!


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