Olive Stuffed Bruschetta | GlitznGrits.com

Mar 19, 2018

Olive Stuffed Bruschetta

Spring time in Texas, oh there's nothin' better where the laurels are in bloom. The Bluebonnets come out to grace us with their presence and Weddin' Season is in full swing.

It's as though there's never a dull weekend down South when spring hits. Whether it be a watch party or get together, good food and stories are always to be heard. 

This season I've found myself enamored with appetizers. Olives have always been a joy in my house, and stuffed olives are a game changers. 

Try Musco Family Olives

Artisan Bread
Pearl Blue Cheese stuffed Olives
Parmesan Cheese
Red Pesto Sauce
1. Spread the Pesto on the bread
       4. Sprinkle parsley or basil on. 
5. Add the salmon or prosciutto
6. Sprinkle the grated Parmesan Cheese.
7. Top with stuffed olives.

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