Chocolate Chip Bourbon Bombs |

Nov 23, 2015

Chocolate Chip Bourbon Bombs

Maybe it's the Texas in me; maybe it’s the smell of the bourbon. Or, maybe just maybe it’s the Texas logo splattered across the side of the box. The narrative is all the same these days. Narrative the word I’ve taken a likin’ to as of late. But nonetheless its truth rings true. I grab one after another after another, until nearly every morsel has passed my lips. Little J stops me. He wants a cookie. These ain’t cookies I reply. He’s too young. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t care. His little Texas hiney smelt the goodness. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he had a taste and a big ol’ glass of sweet tea. We’d been out of the latter and it’d caused much strife all mornin’. I pause before handin’ over a taste. This is not a battle I want to pick I tell myself. He hungrily shoves the taste in his mouth smilin’ at the goodness.

Many moments later when I finally have a breath and a moment to myself I smile. No one around for minutes, I quickly reach into the bag pullin’ out the last of the goodness. My mouth fixed for this goodness. I just had a hankerin’ and couldn’t wait to get that final taste. And then it happens. J burst into the room a cheeky smile on his face. He saddles up in my lap with those puppy dog eyes. His words, “Leshea can I have another cookie?” I sigh before handin’ over the last goodness, the last taste. And then I realize he’d written the story himself.  After all that was the narrative as of late.

Currently Lovin': No. 4 St. everythin’ they do. Actually I’ve been obsessed with them for ages. For y’all non-Texans: When Texas was it’s own Republic the address of the embassy in London was 4 St. James’s Street; Hence the name. No. 4 St, James is a Texas lifestyle brand that sales Texas products and features Texas stories. That’s my kinda, y’all.

You can get the Bourbon Bombs  here as well as see everythin’ else these Vincent and the lovelies at No. 4 St. James has to offer.

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