I know I FAILED at the 12 days of recipes. I have a few I'll post before the new year hopefully.
Just go listen to some Ashton Shepherd. It will make you feel better.
Hey y'all guess what time It is? No it's not, "five o'clock somewhere." Even though I'm sure Kenny would disagree. If you guessed story time then you are so right.
Just go listen to some Ashton Shepherd. It will make you feel better.
Hey y'all guess what time It is? No it's not, "five o'clock somewhere." Even though I'm sure Kenny would disagree. If you guessed story time then you are so right.
I'm sure I mentioned it before but it bares repeating. My granny is in town for the holidays. (The one that was born in Arkansas, grew up in Mississippi but when she married my Step paw paw she moved the family up north. Hence why my momma grew up in Wisconsin.) She's the same grandma that I get all my cooking an baking from. (She used to own a wedding cake and catering business) (Did I mention Christmas was at our house this year and my sister invited ALL the needy from church. Ok, not really but 15 people were coming and everyone was stressed.) Well, obviously my granny is old and forgetful. I kid y'all not, we went to the grocery store about 5 times in 4 days. Did I mention my Momma and Grandma got into it over sugar and which pans to cook things in. My granny started yellin' at my Momma, "Cecelia Ann, I made wedding cake for 22 yrs. I think I know that powdered sugar only comes in a 32 ounce bag. Oh Lord, you gonna buy me granulated sugar." She then proceeded to have a melt down. Over sugar y'all. (This is why she is staying down the road at my Grandma Johnnie's. My Godmothers momma)
I ended up having to take my Grandma to Walmart AGAIN! (Remember where I said she kept forgetting things). As we're about to check out I ask her If she wants a soda. She then goes, "I'll take a Pepsi!" I laughed and was like Granny you're in Texas, no one drinks that around here. The entire line of people busted out laughing. Then some lady comes up to me and showed me where the individual Pepsi's were. Do y'all know that I had to walk to the other side of the store. If you were wondering we drink Dr. Pepper and Coke around here. And yes, everything is called coke around here.
Ok, now for the Holiday Pictures!
The seester turned 20 on Sunday. She was at our Grandma Johnnies trying to show off the new Jordan's my Momma got her but she failed. (That's my God-brother Chris with her)
My outfit for Christmas Eve Service.
With the sister not Helping my Grandma unload the groceries. (This is my Momma's momma that came down for the holiday)

Christmas Decorations overload
My aunt got me the 1970's Southern Living Cookbook series. Y'all don't even know how excited I was. (She wanted the 1980's collectors edition but she kept getting out bid. There were other presents but who cares...)

Family and friends overload... Just realized my momma hid from all the pics. (Grandma Johnnie ended up not being able to come because of the bad weather. We were worried she might fall or something. A few others had to cancel as well because of the icy roads)

SNOW! Wait, can I still wear bows at 25? Who cares cause it's Texas, were everything is bigger and we do!
FOOD! The best part of EVERYTHING in Texas!

I'm know we had more food but oh well!
I call this picture: Hospitality Texas style! The roads ended up icing over. We were worried about a few of people driving back in to Dallas so we insisted they stayed the night. We gave up our beds so they could spend the night and we shacked up elsewhere.
Hope y'all had a great holiday. I can't wait for New Years Dinner! (Yes, we cook for EVERYTHING around here)
Haha the sugar story is too funny! Looks like you had a good Christmas. :)