I have no words for this tragedy. I was watching the news unfold live and I immediately thought of my kiddos at work. I know working at an after school program in the elementary school is not EXACTLY the same but my word. I spent the better part of the day praying that if this happened at our school (Prayers that it does it not), I would I have the courage that Jessica Soto did or the teacher who went in the hallway and pulled students into their classroom.
Here is the recipe for day two of, The 12 Days of Recipes. Don't worry, I still won't sing to y'all.
Growing up I couldn't wait to visit my paw paw in Mississippi. It never failed that he would make us Salmon Croquettes or Smothered Pork Chops. A few months back I called the bestie and told her I was making these and she goes, "My granny makes Salmon Balls." Y'all I could not stop laughing on the phone. (Her granny lives in Arkansas by the way) We quickly discovered that my paw paw and her Granny make the same thing but use different names. I wouldn't necessarily call this a holiday recipe but with all the holiday parties among us, this a great dish or appetizer.

2 cans of cooked Salmon
4-5 pieces of burnt toast
2 Tbs of Black Pepper
2 Tbs Paprika
1/ bell pepper
1/2 onion
2 eggs
2 Tbs butter
1 Tbs flour
1 cup of hot milk
1/3 cup of heavy cream
2 tsp of white pepper
2 tps of salt
2 Tbs of parmesan cheese
2 Tbs of chopped parsley
2 Tbs basil
1 Tbs lemon juice
1. Chop the onion and bell pepper. Crumble the burnt toast and add them tot he bowl.
2. Add the Salmon, 1 Tsb of salt, black pepper, paprika and eggs.
3. Now mix everything together. (Don't be afraid to use your hands. If you are then you could never make it in the South. As my Grandma says, "That's what soap is for."
4. Once everything is mixed you can make the patties. I prefer to make them big, but they can also be made smaller to accommodate more people.
5. Heat s skillet with oil, 4 quarts is usually a general rule for most skillets, when frying, and begin to fry those bad boys. Make sure you only fry a few at a time. To many and the grease looses heat quicker.
6. You want to fry them long enough that they brown.
7. Place the croquettes on a napkin so the grease can drain before you serve them.
If you want to bake them it is possible. I've actually tried this once. Bake them on a Pyrex dish at 350 for about 25-30 mins. Depending on your oven they may be ready sooner. Make sure to check on them every now and then. I just have a huge Paula Dean complex and love to fry everything no matter how much my momma complains and how bad it is for you.
The Cream Sauce
Y'all, in the South we love to dip everything in a sauce. Here in Texas, ranch and hot sauce are considered side dishes. Just kidding, but seriously! This cream sauce is beyond easy to make. Don't the the sauce scare y'all.

2 Tbs butter
1 Tbs flour
1 cup of hot milk
1/3 cup of heavy cream
2 tsp of white pepper
2 tps of salt
2 Tbs of parmesan cheese
2 Tbs of chopped parsley
2 Tbs basil
1 Tbs lemon juice
Y'all got that?
1. Y'all, do the steps in order and I promise it will be ok. K? ... You're
2. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan.
3. Stir in the flour and blend well. I have an obsession with wooden spoons and they really do make a difference.
4. Stir in the hot milk and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, simmering, and stir and occasionally for a few more minutes.
5. Stir in the heavy cream.
6. Now add the 1tps salt, white pepper, parmesan cheese, parsley, basil and lemon juice.
7. Stir baby stir
8. Cook for a few more minutes and then y'all are ready to dip and eat them bad boys.
Y’all, Enjoy.
I promise not to use y’all so much next post. In my defense it’s like the first word I learned.
As always,
from my kitchen to yours...
Girl this sauce looks good. I usually put mine on a fried egg and squash sandwich with a little sandwich spread. I'll be trying this sauce soon.