Hppay Birfday to you! Happay Birfday to me. Now gimmie some presents. | GlitznGrits.com

Dec 4, 2013

Hppay Birfday to you! Happay Birfday to me. Now gimmie some presents.


Happay Birfday to me. Happay Birfday to me. Happay Birfday dear Glitz & Grits, Happay Birfday to me. Y'all Glitz & Grits hit one years old a few days back.  I  think I'm most excited cause now I can say not only did I finally start something but I kept with it. A few weeks back I had a lofty goal that Glitz & Girts would hit 30,000 page views before the end of November. I logged in this morning to finish this post and saw that Glitz & Grits has over 31,000 page views. Thank y'all so much for the great year.  I sure have had some fun. I've also learned a lot over this year. I think I get most excited when people tell me they can really hear my voice. As someone who grew up wanting to be a writer y'all don't even know how giddy I get. I also get a tad to excited when y'all comment and interact with me. I may or may not yell all the blog comments to me every time I get an email telling me there is a new comment. It still blows my mind daily that people from around the world care about someone like me blogging from a random town in Texas behind my Mac. I always joke with my frans that you have to be somewhat of a Narcissist to have a blog and think that people care about what you do in your daily life.

I'm also excited for the changes and additions that shall be coming to Le Blog. For a while now I have wanted to start a series entitled I am the South and the South is me. It is inspired by the post I did back in September and all the family history I have begun to learn. I was talking with Ride or Die about this and we realized that I have quite a few frans who can trace their family roots far back in Texas. Y'all my bestie James is related to the original Governer of Texas. And Bestfran Numero Uno is related to Thomas J. Rusk among others. Those names may not mean much to you but if you're from Texas than you understand. I know, I know, I'll get to the point. And yes people tell me that in real life ALL the time. With this series I wanted to tell the stories of their family history through their eyes. I'm gonna start with a few of my frans and if it works out than I will branch out and visit the places my family is from. 

A store will be added to the site. This is probably what i'm most excited for. I'm hoping to have everything up and runnin' within the next few months. HA! Please buy stuff. I can't wait to show y'all the custom mugs I have been working on. I have been sketching and sketching with sharpies and Target mugs.  And yes there will be shirts. This is happening. I feel like if I type it out then everyone has seen it and I will be forced to stop being chicken and actually do it.

Also, this youtube channel is happening. I've mentioned many times that in a pervious life I was a youtuber. Well, I've decided to get back into it. I have a few videos filmed and all I need to do is finish editing them. Those will start to be unveiled by the end of the week. 

pic name    pic name    pic name
Aleshea @ Glitz & Grits Bekah @ Resolve Jessa @ Life of a Sports Wife
pic name    pic name
Alisha @ The Alisha Nicole Chene @ Prototype Mama

To celebrate I teamed up with four bloggers who have really helped me along this first year.  First we have Bekah. If you've been reading The Blogs any length of time then you will know that she's pretty much my bloggity bestfran. We stalk each other. It ain't even funny or cute but we do it anyway. Jessa was my first partner in the big/little program. She taught me a lot about sponsorship and she's in the Junior League. Why wouldn't I love her. To bad she can't help me get in the Junior League here. Alisha is my current little in the Big/Little network. Y'all when I got matched with her I felt imporntant. No one could tell me nothin'. I thought I was doin' something cause someone finally considered be big. HA! Y'all know I still have a long way to go. Finally we have Chene. She is the founder of SGBC, Southern Girl Blogging Community. I am apart of a few communities but this one is one of my favorites. The friends and people i've met are amazing. Plus it never hurts to know I'll get at least a couple comments on a post from my girls. Even if said post is a hot mess. Together we bring you this giveaway. Y'all enjoy

Prizes include: Three month add space on Glitz & Grits. One month ad space on Resolve. Earwarmers headband from Pearls n Stitch Etsy shop, One month (Bestie) Ad space on The Alisha Nicole, one month ad space on Prototype Mama and a ten dollar giftcard to Erin Condren.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Skye! I'm far to excited and instead of being productive I'm jammin' out to some music.

  2. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppy Birthday BLOGGIE!!!!!! wooooohooooo!!!

  3. Congrats on your first year! :-)

  4. Congrats on your blog birthday! You have done an awesome job in such a short period of time

    1. Eek, thanks so much Paula. I'm probably more excited than I should be.

  5. Congrats on your first year! I look forward to all of the new stuff coming your way! Exciting!!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! It sounds like I can learn a lot from you about blogging. I am a beginner for sure. Nothing fancy! I have thought about branching out and doing more with it. Who knows? I look forward to reading along more!!!

  7. Happy one year. My blog will be one and a half the eighteenth of this month. Time flies when you're having fun

  8. Happy Blogiversary, Aleshea! I'm new around these parts so I'm about to get familiar! :-)

  9. Happy Birthday to Glitz & Grits! I really enjoy your blog (and you!), Aleshea. May your second year be even better!

    Love, Joy

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I respond to comments via email unless your email is unlisted. Then I'll respond via the blog. Thank y'all. Remember to always take the sweet tea!