"...These are a Few of my Favorite Things" | GlitznGrits.com

May 14, 2013

"...These are a Few of my Favorite Things"

Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy
These are a few of my favorite things"

  1. A cool glass Sweet Tea & Sweet Tea Lemonade
  2. Hot bowl of Grits
  3. Tailgating in the rain
  4. Reading by the lake
  5. A good song
  6. A beautiful Sermon
  7. Spring time in Texas
  8. A roaring Bonfire on a Southern Night
  9. Big hairbows 
  10. Bright nail polish

Day 14 of 31: Forget about it.
Just becuase I hate linking buttons an perfer you just click Listte's name!

 photo acd_zpsb8b32d16.png

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  1. I LOVE bright nail polish and sweet tea too!

    Great list!

  2. these are a few of my favorite things too!

  3. LOVE TAILGATING! Our country mega ticket kicked off last weekend with Brad Paisley and we ended up tailgating in the freezing cold - it was so worth it though!

  4. Confession: I have never tried sweet tea lemonade. But the fact that I love of them separately probably means that I will love them mixed together. :)

    I'm your newest follower, and I would love for you to follow my blog, too! leslyni.blogspot.com

    Have a great day!

  5. lol. Tailgating in the rain? Really??

  6. Tailgating in the rain IS a unique one...but of course I share your love for sweet tea and arnie palmers (sorry, that was the first thing i heard it formally called since i was in MD).

  7. Yes, yes, and yes! Although I can't confirm or deny springtime in Texas. Never been.

  8. AHHH I LOVE GRITS!!! I moved from the south almost 20 years ago and still love me a big bowl of grits. People in the north just don't get it;)

    Visiting from the Just Because link-up:)


  9. We don't get Grits in the UK - I am very curious as to what they taste like after reading up on them ion Wikipedia!

  10. Bright nail polish - TOTALLY!! Love your list and your cute cute blog. New follower! :D

  11. I actually don't think I've ever tried grits, but I've heard they're super yummy! I should give them a whirl. :-)

  12. MMM GRITS! and reading by the lake..DREAM. Love your list! :)

  13. Oh my I havent tailgaited in years! I may have to do that again soon!

  14. Reading by the lake...YES.
    Bonfires...bigger YES.


  15. I had grits for the first time in December.

    nah. pass.

  16. Mmm... Springtime in Texas is so purdy. Especially the blue bonnets.


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