He's Just an Old Memory, That Don't Remember Me | GlitznGrits.com

May 21, 2013

He's Just an Old Memory, That Don't Remember Me

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Here are a few of my favorite post. Enjoy

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Because it my most viewed post

Taco Tuesday: Fish Tacos
The Texan way to eat/make tacos

Friday's Letter: The "Ain't Nobody Got Time For That" Edition
Ain't nobody got time to be sued
Take it Back: The Hair Bow Saga
Pretty sure my Momma did hair bows better than yours

Ain't Nobody got Time for a Whore Bath
In rich places no less

Friday' Letter: Dear DART
My open ended letter to it establishment and its people

Day 21 0f 31 is just a memory
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  1. Don't know what whore bath is, so will be popping over there next to learn. After all, we're suppose to learn at least 1 thing a day right, lol.
    Archival Walking

  2. I'll have to check these all out!


  3. I loved your whore bath post! (I also love kellie pickler!) I was so hoping to find wipes made in MD so I could put them in your cara box with a snarky whore bath comment. no such luck.


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