#Fusiontour2014 | GlitznGrits.com

Mar 5, 2014


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So, let's talk for a second. It's been a hot minute sine we've done that. Y'all ready. So everyone knows that I can't be quiet and talk way more than I should. I ain't got a shy bone in my body. Being able to express all my excess energy and creativity, through this blog has helped. People are always tellin' me to hush up or pretendin' like their listenin'. With that said, being open about my blog hasn't been as easy. I never know what to say and I'm awful at elevator pitches. If this conversation doesn't give it away then I don't know what does...

Friend- " So you blog huh?"
Me- "Yes ma'am"
Friend- "What do you blog about?"...
Me= "Everything... nothing"
Friend- Huh? So what is the focus
Me- "No it's ok cause I'm a lifestyle blogger"
Anyways, y'all get my point.  I'm headed to Fusion TOUR 2014 and am to excited for words. It's in intimate event for women that travels around the US. There are a few locations each year and this year Dallas was picked. Y'all I can't. I heard about the event via Twitter. It's put on by Vernetta. I met her at Blog Elevated briefly. But she probably doesn't remember me cause of the whole, " I suck at promoting myself, my blog and giving elevator speeches."

Y'all have noticed the changes around the blog and how I'm tryin' to focus more on the content I produce. With that there are also things I'm lookin' to add to the blog. You have to start from somewhere and be able to put yourself out there. I'm hopin' this conference will help with that. Plus I'm really excited to meet the ladies speakin' and see how they've turned their passion into more than just another blog post. There are a few spots left and y'all should join me. #FusionTour2014

Question time: How do y'all go about talkin' about your blog in public? Are your elevator pitches just as rough as mine? Seriously, if it wasn't for friends I don't think I would have the success I've gotten thus far.


  1. Don't think of your blog as an elevator pitch. I think that's what hangs us all up. You have to find what you are passionate about and lead with that. And then wrap your blog into your passion. Start off with your Southern Portraits series or your Give Love series. You bring lots of joy to people through both of those and you utilize your blog as a platform for further sharing. You've got a lot to offer someone. Start with your passions.

    1. *EEK!* your comment made my day. I've never thought of approaching it like that. I guess it would make sense since I try and share my passions via the blog.

    2. Taylor I hope you're able to attend the closet Fusion Tour to you. You would definitely add to the conversation.

  2. SO I just came from a career fair and one of the men there made a reference to elevator speeches. I had no idea what he meant then, but I do now! I don't really talk too much about my blog-even on some social media. I know that's one thing I really need to work on and I may need to get some business cards as well.

    1. I have the business cards but never hand them out. I need to. And just get better in general on how I approachblog in public.

    2. Tara bloggers should always have business cards and ready to speak about what you write about is important. Opportunities can come and go if you're not ready.

  3. I don't push the issue...if it comes up and I blog about it, I'll talk about it...otherwise, no use promoting to people who won't care. Usually if being vegetarian comes up, I'll talk blog and hand a card out if they have questions. Same for Arbonne.

    1. Bekah you're right. But as soon as I say I'm a blogger it just opens many doors to interesting conversations.

  4. I try and talk about my blog in public or / and to my acquaintances, but as I'm talking I think .. do they really care.. and then I want to shake them and make them read it cause I know they will love it. good luck.. come back from the conference ready to teach us, o' wise one. ;)

    1. Haha, I'll try. Gonna do my best to get all the education I can.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Aimee I hope you're able to attend the closet Fusion Tour to you.


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