Just go, just go! Someone's bout to get shot | GlitznGrits.com

Jul 22, 2013

Just go, just go! Someone's bout to get shot

 Hey girl hey! How y'all been while I was away. What was I away doing? Absolutely nothing but job hunting and Vacation Bible School. Anyway, I have more free time this week and hope to have a few beauties out. Currently I've been teaching myself jQuery and also hope to get back to producing more substantial content.

Obviously this is a weekend update for y'all. I spent Friday with "Ride or Die" at the Rangers game. Saturday was spent with the Madre pampering ourselves and most of Sunday was spent at church.

At the game on Friday as we were leaving Ride or Die was screaming, the title, those words from my car cause she thought it was about to happen as we were leaving. Everything turned out fine but it didn't stop the crazies from being out and about. I shall leave you with a few videos from this weekend. Lord have mercy I can be a hot mess sometimes. And don't you dare start Blessin' My Heart! . Y'all have a great week and comeback tomorrow for my Jalapeno Basil Chicken Recipe.

Y'all go say hi to Sami



  1. Woah , it looks soooopah awesome . I'm missing open stadiums in my life.
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  2. Fun! I love going to the Rangers game!


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