Cancer: No respector of persons |

Oct 23, 2013

Cancer: No respector of persons


Do y'all know what Relay for Life is? If you don't what are you doin' with your life? Yes, that's a serious question and not one of those rhetorical questions I always pose. I got involved with RFL back in college and have been participating for about six years. When I came home from college I was so excited that my momma's gym had decided to start getting involved. Basically it is a walk a thon to raise money for cancer research, treatment etc. Each year our town is always in the top donors. Heck one of the middle schools raises over $20,000 each year. This past year we decided to walk in honor of our family fran Brent. He's the one I've been talking about that's on hospice with the cancerous tumors.

But one thing I've never understood is why our town always does theirs in the fall. It was so dern cold, y'all and we was struggling. The group picture was those of us left at 5 am. In college our RFL was always in the spring and I miss that. 40's may not seem cold for some but for us Texans that's very cold.

But in the end the point is to be uncomfortable for a good cause. Cancer is not picky and will inhabit anyone it can. I'm always willing to get out of my comfort zone for a good cause.

What are some organizations/ events y'all like to participate in?                                                                


  1. We love supporting nutrition and health related programs, as well as anyone struggling with their health. We love The Cancer Project, which helps make people aware of how diet can affect health and prevent ( and even treat) the disease.

    Thanks so much for cohosting the linkup! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks for the tips. I'll have to look The Cancer Project up.


    Good for you for helping raise money! I did RFL once, so hard. I'm not good not sleeping.

  3. 5 am? Yikes!

    I feel guilty not helping for every.single.cause, but I'd go nuts if I tried. I'm passionate about so many issues then I hear about another and I know I can't do it all!

    A big one Sean does is called "Spike for Life" which is a pro-life volleyball tournament raising funds for the local pregnancy clinics.

  4. I LOVE relay for life! yay you! my dad had cancer about 5 years ago, and I've been super committed to helping this org since then.

  5. Cancer needs to GO ON SOMEWHERE ELSE! Ain't nobody got time for that!!

  6. I just had a friend to pass away from breast cancer at the young age of 38. She wasn't even the recommended age for starting her mammograms. I've decided to live a better and healthier life in her honor. I'm just so upset about her passing because I never saw it coming.

    1. Such a sad face about your friend passing away. It never is easy when we lose a loved one. *Hugs and prayers that it will get easier with time*

  7. This is great and I can't believe how much that middle school raised that's phenomenal!
    I am running with one of my trainers and a team of his clients in something called the MO Run here in the uk it's to raise money for prostate cancer - we do movember it's all involved it's where the guys grow moustaches for the whole month of November to raise money and awareness.

  8. I have never participated in Relay for Life walk but you guys look like you had fun raising awareness.

    1. We had loads of fun. Even though it did get a bit cold on us.

  9. I lost my aunt to breast cancer a couple of years ago... it was one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with. For someone so strong to be taken from us... Thank you for walking!

    1. Thats such a huge bummer about your aunt and cancer just plain sucks. Thanks for the thanks.

  10. I have participated in Relay For Life for about seven years. We started a team shortly after my father died of cancer and have since lost a couple of others, but also have some survivors (young, too) on our team. Last year, we had seven people and raised more than $2,500.

    We hold ours in the early spring and in upstate New York and that can be bad because there's a chance it will be cold overnight (and, quite possibly, a chance for snow). But they do it here because they like to make sure the local college has the chance to participate.

    Love your photos. Great job and keep it up. Hopefully if enough people keep doing it, they can finally find a cure.

  11. Your photos are amazing! Thanks for sharing:) I helped organize the Canadian Cancer Society event, Bark for Life here in Toronto at the beginning of October. Getting involved was the best decision I've ever made! The volunteer coordinator just emailed me yesterday to see If I wanna help out with Relay for Life and of course I said YES! I've been a cancer survivor for a little over a year now and it feels great to help others battling this terrible disease! Check out my post here:

    1. Love this (not the Cancer part but I'm glad you are better) and I'm gonna have to look up your post. And thanks for thinking i'm amazing.


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