But every song's like | GlitznGrits.com

Oct 8, 2013

But every song's like

Can I get an Amen, Hallejuer? No, seriously! It's finally starting to feel like Fall here in Texas. Y'all, yesterday and Sunday I wore layers. Ok, maybe it had more to do with that fact that I've been sick and here in Texas anything under 80 and people start bustin' out their hoodies and light jackets. I had to laugh at myself cause the other day Bekah was on her FB page talking about the weather. I didn't realize that it is common up North for you to pay for the air and the company will pay for the heat. Or that people find it odd to switch between the two on a regular basis. Here in Texas we be switchin' in the middle of the day sometimes. I also had to laugh at myself cause I wrote on her blog status, "just realized I probably sound crazy saying low 90's and it feels good. Smh. But today it's been in the 60's and I feel like i'm dying." I don't care what none of y'all Yankees say. Act hard all you want but that is cold. Just dang cold. I know y'all are used to colder but that doesn't mean that ain't cold. 

Cold weather means hearty food and warm drank. Y'all know I'm all for that. Wait, I don't think we need an excuse for hearty food here in Texas. Heck there is a reason we are always in the top fattest states list. I don't even care cause we always eat good. There has been lots of chili and music in my house as of late. No this is not Texas Chili cause our Chili don't have beans. My seester got this recipe from a fran and wanted to try it. I was pleasantly surprised how good it was and am saddened that even doubling the recipe didn't prove to be enough for my family. 

Last night I went to my first Junior League Dallas informational meeting and boy was that an experience. I kept joking with Ride or Die because we thought they would think we were weird if we started taking pictures of the food. But the highlight had to be when one of the member spoke and told us that most Junior League meetings leave her more fulfilled than sitting in her church pew on a Sunday morning. Y'all I started laughing so hard I was choking. Of course we were sitting in the front. Sherry was trying not to look at me and it was a hot mess. 

But back to the music. I don't know how y'all follow my jumbled brain and the way post are set up. I write the way things sound in my head and my frans are always complainin' that I'm to ADD and jump from here there to everywhere. Half the time they can't keep up when I 'm talking to them. I'd also love to know how my "writing voice" sounds to y'all. I love that y'all are always telling me you love the way I write and my "writing voice" but I think it just sounds the way I talk. Guess I talk good? Huh, did that even make sense?

Anyways music. I was trying to talk about music before I got all distracted and started blogging out loud. Whelp, I've been listening to a lot of Lore and Willie Nelson in the last few weeks. Music that speaks to me.That is what I'd call both of these cd's.

What have y'all been listening to? Favorite fall drank? Comfort food?
This link is for Leslyn


  1. In all fairness, it isn't normal. My apartment pays gas/water and the residents pay electric. So in this case, we pay ungodly amounts of money for AC (really, a lot more than people i know in other states!) but in the winter heat is free because it's gas. cooking too. If I owned a home I of course would pay all utilities.

    I don't mind it being 80 outside...I like 80. Just not in the apartment!

  2. Aleshea, reading your post is like a hug from my mama. I love your style and your writing voice, I truly do.

    I cannot even imagine being at a Junior League meeting, but if I ever go to one, it has GOT to be with you. Promise me. ;)

    I love Willie, but I don't know Lorde. I'm gonna look it up on YouTube right now.

    I love you, Texas Sister!


  3. I love this post!! Down to the weather, the Texas chili not having beans, Junior League, and the music!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. both are so different but both so great!


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