A kind word is like a Spring day | GlitznGrits.com

Apr 12, 2014

A kind word is like a Spring day


She walks in, her eyes downcast.
She sits without sayin' a word.
She doesn't ask for much.
She doesn't ask for anythin' at all.
Her years worn in her hands
Her face tells her story.
Her face betrays her.
I wonder her story.
I wonder her life.
I wonder if I could have been her.
Time passes. Passes fast
I leave, life changed. fulfilled
I pause. So many lie on the streets of Dallas.
I pray. Prayers of thanks are all I have.
I leave.
Kindness. Kindness, I give and kindness I leave with.
This weekend I spent some time at the Austin Street Shelter and thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Truthfully I always enjoy myself when I'm there.
It's amazin' how simple acts of kindness can brighten someone's day.
It's amazin' how the people of the shelter leave me with a piece of themselves each time I visit and give me more than I could ever give them.           


  1. It's amazing of you to give back like that!

  2. It is better to give than to receive because when we give, we always receive! How kind of you!

    1. like that first line. Never thought of it like that but it's so true.

  3. What a beautiful post. When we give ourselves we get so much in return, simple acts of kindness can change lives.

  4. Beautiful post, I agree the simple things bring us all so much more than we think. It's these kinds of days that both you and the people you meet will remember for a long time.

  5. Very beautiful poem, and what a beautiful soul you are. It's so refreshing to read about someone who is doing something to make a difference and connect with all the people in their community. Kudos to you.

  6. I try so hard to instill GIVE into my kids but they are still in the thought process of GIVE ME... One day.. it will connect.

  7. Such a beautiful oat! Giving back is so important!


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