He never promised that the cross wouldn't get heavy | GlitznGrits.com

May 20, 2013

He never promised that the cross wouldn't get heavy

Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

So y'all know I don't like today's topic, right?!?! I feel like I've already addressed this in the "Lot in Life" post. I've never been a big fan of talking about myself. Knowing this fact, why I turned my recipe blog into more of a lifestyle blog I'll never know. I am proud of myself for continuing to post even though I've been sick. All the sweet tea to me. But, seriously... I'm on a sweet tea sabbatical. My body has been over heated and under hydrated. Hence why I'm sick. So no sweet tea for me for a while. Gah, we'll see how long it last.

Anyways, sometimes I struggle.
I struggle to drink a glass of milk.
I struggle to wake up in the morning.
I struggle to take the glass of water over the glass of sweet tea.
I struggle to keep my gas tank above E on a regular basis.
I struggle with relating to kids more than adults
I struggle with acting my age and not being serious enough in life
I struggle to read my Bible daily
I struggle to park backwards
I mostly struggle with finding my purpose in life.

Wait, those ain't deep enough you say...  Here's my empty hand and here's all the fracks I give that this post is short and uninspiring.

Day 20 of 21
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  1. Though you think they are not deep, I do like what your wrote. I can find myself in a couple of them. Especially the last one.


  2. I like all of these...

    sometimes life is a struggle, but God is there to help along the way.


  3. I'm stuggling just to finish this month long posting. Heck, I gave up this weekend. :) So kudos to you and ALL the sweet tea!

  4. I can't drink milk because it makes me sick. I can't park to save my life. I've also run out of gas so many times that I started carrying an extra can in my trunk "just in case". These are definitely struggles and I get it!

  5. I get you on all of these struggles. I struggle to read my Bible daily, heck even praying daily is a struggle. I find myself in why-didn't-I-think-to-pray-today-especially-about and fill in the blank. But I'm so thankful that I have a Father who loves me unconditionally, and gives more grace than I ever deserve.

    Alisha and Brandon {the blog}

  6. look up "sassy" water from carolina charm. it's not sweet tea, but it is healthy AND tasty!

  7. hahah I struggle to park backwards and read my bible too. I feel ya there, I so feel you there.

  8. When it comes to the Bible, don't force yourself to read it...you don't want it to feel like a chore. Read one chapter of one book every other day. Maybe read two chapters on some days.

    Try almond milk if you don't like regular milk...the vanilla and chocolate are delicious!


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