Fridays letter {Week 3} |

Jan 19, 2013

Fridays letter {Week 3}

All the sweet tea if you know today's song: "I could use another cigarette But don't worry daddy, I'm not addicted yet, One too many drinks tonight and I miss you. Like you were mine"

Dear Mr. Lambert- Thank you for fixing Green Bean for free.

Dear Discount Tire- Thank you for the booklet on how to properly mateantice my tires.

Dear Life- STAHP it.

Dear Green Bean- I promise to show you more love and attention, If you promise to stop being so needy. P.S. I'm glad you're all better.

Dear Momma- Thanks for Eeeerthang.

Dear Taco Bueno- Thanks for your yummy Bueno Bowl.

Dear Ivan the IPhone- Thanks for finally fixing yourself. But what happening Wednesday night when I was stranded...

Dear Job-  The pictures I took at work this week made my life. 



  1. I don't know Mr. Lambert, but could use him up here if he'll fix things for free! Awesome for you!

  2. Hello,
    I found your blog on the blog hop and now I am now your newest follower, would you please due the same for me?


I respond to comments via email unless your email is unlisted. Then I'll respond via the blog. Thank y'all. Remember to always take the sweet tea!